3 easy daily practices to declutter the stuff in your mind and in your home.

Decluttering your home and your mind is a DAILY task. We cannot take the time to initially declutter, and then never keep up with the maintenance. It honestly is a daily chore! I know this because I have gotten to that point where I feel good, and content, and happy with the way my space feels and looks, but that’s EXACTLY when things start getting out of hand again…

Here are 3 easy daily practices that help you declutter the stuff in your mind and your home!

  1. Clear your mind daily! Write things down! As a mama with ADHD I have learned this, finally! Believe me when I say that an overcrowded mind can be toxic! It can cause stress, anxiety, and cause you to want to ‘explode’ if you don’t just let it out.  I didn’t always write things down, until recently… My excuse was that I would forget what I wrote down, it wouldn’t matter, bla bla bla… But the truth is, when I let all the ideas or ‘things to do’ escape my mind and onto paper, it makes me feel free! Makes me see a plan, and makes me more intentional with my day! Now I may not get to all of the things I write down that day, or even in order, but I do know what I want/need to do. And I can see it! So clear your mind and get it out on paper or even type it in the notes on your phone! I live by the notes app!
  2. Keep up with the clutter! Like I said, if we don’t keep up, we fall behind! Once you start to get into the habit of getting rid of things you don’t need in your home or life, you don’t even have to think about it too hard. Every week I donate items. Whether it’s to someone in need or Goodwill, I get rid of things! Keep a box or tote in a closet or in the garage and put things in it as you come across them. Sometimes we think we need something one day, until we realize the next that we really don’t! Do this daily! And at the end of the week, get it out of there!! If you’re known to go back and keep something, because you feel guilt like my adorable mom, get it out of there that day! It really does become easier, I promise. It just takes practice! Daily practice!
  3. Keep your living space picked up! I know, this seems so obvious, and while I am getting better at this EVERY DAY, I know that when I do my mind and home feel at peace! I am not much of a ‘half ass cleaner,’ and the thought of just picking up seemed so pointless to me at first! I always thought if I’m picking up my house then I had better just clean it while I’m at it… No. No, you don’t have to do that! And it really helps to break it down in your mind and allow you to make the task of cleaning that much less daunting! A picked up living space allows you to make better decisions on what you allow to come in to your home. When you can see it for what it is, you can more easily decide if something is worth being there or not!

Well there you have it, three easy daily practices that help you declutter the stuff in your mind and your home! A decluttered home really does create a decluttered mind! And a decluttered and happy mind can make you have a happier and more joyful life, and Motherhood Life!

I hope that you’ll put one or all of these tips to practice! Do you have something that you would add? I would love to hear about it in the comments!


Author: Ashleigh

Mother of two boys + Indiana native, Ashleigh Ferguson is a professional blogger on a mission to help mothers minimize the things in their life so they can spend it on the things that matter most! She is also a lifestyle filmmaker and photo journalist for brands of all sizes.

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