Motherhood is a Journey—It’s Not a One Size Fits All Kind of Job.


We are EXPERTS at it—BEFORE we’re moms.

Before we’re mom, we’ve got it ALLL figured out. We’ll deliver our babies right on time, of course, our babies will sleep through the night by the first month, and by NO means will they sleep in our rooms. What kind of mom does that anyway?? UGH! (Eye rolling so hard in the back of my pre-mom brain head!) 

And then, we have our first baby. He comes knocking at your vaginal door three whole weeks early! Nothing was like you planned, nothing was like Google said that it would be. 


What the heck?! I thought I had all of this figured out already. I was, however, a parenting expert!

Boy, oh boy, was I wrong!

Photo Credit: Tara Strohl Photography

My little bundle of joy that came into this world three weeks early, was doing everything but sleeping. Not latching well, and I had to wear a nipple shield. I mean why aren’t my actual god given nipples working! Could he not see them?! And believe me, once he does find these eventual stretched out Eiffel Tower nipples, he’s only nursing until he’s six months old! Because that would be SO WEIRD beyond that!!


Well, come to find out, this thing called motherhood is not a one size fits all kind of job. Motherhood is very different for all of us moms, and I can’t even believe that I thought I knew it all.

Photo Credit: Tara Strohl Photography

What even is motherhood?

To me, It’s the journey of being a mom. And that journey can not be predetermined, only experienced. And an experience is exactly what it is!

Six years into motherhood, and I have learned to go with the flow, not take things too seriously, and that baby that I didn’t want in my bed turned into a six year old and a three year old that won’t leave my bed! (I am okay with that most nights…) And the nursing past six months?? Ha. My first baby nursed right into my second pregnancy two years later, then I nursed my next baby over three years. Good lord, I didn’t see that one coming!! But it’s some of my most fondest memories of my babies… Although my back is still pretty angry!

I spoke way too soon with all of that! I realize that now. And looking back I would tell myself to LOCK IT UP! You have no idea what you’re talking about!

Photo Credit: Tara Strohl Photography

Motherhood is protecting. The best way that we know how!

Motherhood is allowing them to be kids, while we watch from the sidelines secretly hoping they get across those monkey bars without falling.

Motherhood is not listening to the critics and listening to your gut, instead.

Motherhood is tears at noon and smiles at nap time.

Motherhood really is a journey that can not be predetermined, only experienced.

Photo Credit: Tara Strohl Photography

Live your own motherhood life, mama. Not the kind you search about on Google. Not the kind your Facebook friends live. The kind of motherhood life that you write all on your own—with the help of your sweet babies!

And I’m pretty happy with my first few chapters so far. ❤️


What is one thing that you thought you knew about motherhood BEFORE you became a mom? Tell me all the funny stuff in the comments!

Author: Ashleigh

Mother of two boys + Indiana native, Ashleigh Ferguson is a professional blogger on a mission to help mothers minimize the things in their life so they can spend it on the things that matter most! She is also a lifestyle filmmaker and photo journalist for brands of all sizes.

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