Your Half-Assed Decorated Tree is Enough, Mama—Screw the Pinterest Tree!

Christmas is almost here! 🎄 The holiday hustle and bustle has begun, whether you’re ready or not…

What does the hustle of the holidays look like for you?

Is it driving around to a million different houses for Christmas? Is it feeling like you’ve got to do allll the holiday stuff; baking cookies, Christmas crafts, Christmas at the zoo, visit Santa, decorate your home like all the pretty photos on Pinterest, basically running around trying to fit in all the Christmasy things in 25 days?!

Is that you? Does it stress you out year after year like it does for me?

Here’s the deal, you don’t have to do it all!

You don’t!

Simplifying the holidays can be so enjoyable. What would it feel like to sit next to your half-assed decorated Christmas tree, enjoying the lights, and watch a simple Christmas movie with your kids? Instead of running yourself ragged trying to hit up all the Christmasy things? All because your subconscious tells you that you NEED to!  

Axel, by our half-assed decorated Christmas tree that the boys decorated… 

Let me tell you, it probably would feel like a freakin’ Christmas miracle. And your kids, I guarantee it, would still be happy. 

Now, if you do all those things and it works for you, then by all means do it! But I feel like, a lot of times, we do things for all the wrong reasons. Just because it is an advertised activity, doesn’t mean we have to do it!

Be selective and intentional about what you fill your holiday schedule with!

Things, places, and people to see, all included… We make our own stresses most of the time. And we *can* make the holidays more enjoyable by doing less of it all.

If you really think about it, kids are so impressed with the magic of Christmas lights alone! Don’t take the joy from yourself by feeling like that is not enough for them.

Pick a couple of activities and enjoy them to the fullest! (Oh, and don’t forget to take 1,000 photos to remember all the fun! You’ll want those someday when your fried mom brain forgets…)

I’m so ready to enjoy the Christmas season with my boys this year. They are so excited! And I want to remember all of the sweet childhood Christmas memories without being stressed about it all in the process. ❤️

ashleigh ferguson

Do you relate? Every year I get better and better at being intentional about our time and schedules. Stress-free living is where I want to be, including during the holidays. 😊

Author: Ashleigh

Mother of two boys + Indiana native, Ashleigh Ferguson is a professional blogger on a mission to help mothers minimize the things in their life so they can spend it on the things that matter most! She is also a lifestyle filmmaker and photo journalist for brands of all sizes.

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